Can Pets Have Allergies?
Many pet parents don’t realize it, but dogs and cats can suffer from allergies just like people can.
What Are Allergies?
An allergy or allergies refers to an inappropriate immune system response that occurs as a result of the body’s exposure to an allergen (or several different allergens) which are harmless substances that the immune system mistakenly recognizes as a threat.

Signs and Symptoms of Allergies in Pets
In pets, the signs and symptoms of allergies often look a bit different than the symptoms experienced by people. While pets can experience some respiratory discomfort as a result of allergies, with sneezing, a runny nose, coughing, and/or asthma, pets most often experience symptoms that affect their skin and gastrointestinal systems.
The most common signs and symptoms of allergies in pets include:
- Excessive itching
- Hives or another type of rash
- Red, swollen skin
- Swollen ears, eyes, nose, or face
- Chronic ear infections
- Vomiting and/or diarrhea
What Causes Allergies in Pets?
There are three different types of allergies in pets that are defined by the underlying cause or type of allergen that’s causing the irritation. These include:
- Seasonal and environmental allergies (allergies to pollen, dust, smoke, fragrances, mold, etc.)
- Flea allergy dermatitis (allergy to flea saliva)
- Food allergies (allergy to certain proteins in food)
When diagnosing and treating allergies in pets, the first step is to determine the type of allergy the pet has.

Treating Allergies in Pets
Treatment for allergies in pets depends on the type of allergy. The best way to help your pet cope with allergies is to avoid the allergen altogether. This might include taking steps to determine the specific type of protein your pet is allergic to and providing them with an allergy-friendly diet. It might also mean keeping your pet indoors or providing them with more frequent grooming when pollen counts are high. Sometimes, however, especially with environmental allergies, avoidance isn’t entirely possible.
In these cases, your veterinarian might recommend additional treatments to help your pet get relief from symptoms with medications designed to relieve inflammation, reduce the histamine response, or control the pet’s immune system. In some cases, a veterinarian might even recommend immunotherapy injections for allergies to help improve your pet’s immune response to their specific allergens.
Managing Your Pet's Allergies With Compounded Prescription Medications
If your pet has been prescribed medications to help with allergies, our compounding pharmacy can simplify the medication administration process with pet-friendly medications. To learn more or fill your pet’s prescriptions, we welcome you to contact VetMedics Compounding Pharmacy today.