Pet Microchipping FAQs: Ensuring Safety and Security For Your Pets

Pet Microchipping FAQs: Ensuring Safety and Security For Your Pets

Microchipping has emerged as a vital tool in pet identification and safety, providing pet owners with peace of mind and a greater chance of reuniting with their beloved companions in case they get lost. As responsible pet owners, it’s crucial to understand the significance of microchipping and the common questions surrounding this essential practice. In this blog, we will delve into the FAQs about pet microchipping and highlight VetMedics Compounding Pharmacy’s commitment to pet care and safety.

What is Microchipping For Pets?

Microchipping involves the implantation of a tiny, electronic chip under the skin of a pet, typically between the shoulder blades. This chip contains a unique identification number that corresponds to the pet owner’s contact information in a national pet recovery database. When a lost pet is found, a microchip scanner can read the chip’s information, allowing the veterinarian or animal shelter to contact the owner and facilitate a reunion.

Microchipping: Frequently Asked Questions

Is microchipping painful for my pet?

Microchipping is a quick and virtually painless procedure that can be performed by a veterinarian during a routine office visit. The chip is injected using a hypodermic needle, similar to a routine vaccination. Most pets experience minimal discomfort, comparable to receiving a vaccination or having blood drawn.

Is microchipping only for dogs or can it be done on other pets too?

Microchipping is suitable for various companion animals, including dogs, cats, rabbits, ferrets, and even birds. It is an effective means of identification for any pet that may have the potential to become lost.

How does a microchip help reunite me with my lost pet?

When a lost pet is found, animal shelters, veterinary clinics, and other authorized agencies scan the pet using a microchip reader. If the pet has been microchipped, the unique identification number associated with the chip appears on the scanner’s display. This number allows them to access the pet owner’s contact information in the pet recovery database, enabling a swift reunion.

Can a microchip be tracked with GPS?

No, a microchip does not possess GPS tracking capabilities. Microchips are passive devices and can only be detected and read using specialized scanners. However, GPS collars and tags are separate devices that utilize global positioning systems to track your pet’s location.

Is it necessary to update my contact information if I move or change my phone number?

Absolutely! It is crucial to keep your contact information up to date in the pet recovery database associated with your pet’s microchip. If you move or change your phone number, contact the microchip registry to ensure your details are current, as it increases the chances of a successful reunion with your pet.

VetMedics Compounding Pharmacy: A Commitment to Pet Care and Safety

Microchipping is a simple yet crucial step towards ensuring the safety and well-being of our pets. By microchipping your pet and keeping your contact information updated, you significantly enhance the chances of a happy reunion if they become lost. VetMedics Compounding Pharmacy not only advocates for the well-being of pets but also provides innovative solutions to meet their unique healthcare needs.
By combining advanced pharmaceutical knowledge with a genuine love for animals, VetMedics Compounding Pharmacy continues to enhance the lives of pets and their owners, helping create a world where our furry companions can lead happy and secure lives. Contact us today to speak to one of our team members!

Pet Care: Common Medications Used to Treat Cancer in Pets

Pet Care: Common Medications Used to Treat Cancer in Pets

Our pets bring immeasurable joy and love to our lives, and as responsible pet owners, it is our duty to ensure their well-being. Unfortunately, just like humans, our furry companions can also be affected by cancer. The diagnosis of cancer in a beloved pet can be overwhelming, but with the right knowledge and support, we can strive to provide them with the best possible care. In this article, we will explore common medications used to treat cancer in pets and highlight the crucial role played by VetMedics Compounding Pharmacy in customizing medications to aid in your pet’s recovery.

Understanding Pet Cancer and the Importance of Timely Treatment

Cancer can affect pets of any age or breed, and certain factors, such as genetics, exposure to toxins, and age, can contribute to its development. As pet owners, it is vital to be aware of the early signs of cancer, which may include unexplained weight loss, lumps or swelling, abnormal bleeding, changes in appetite or energy levels, and persistent coughing or difficulty breathing. Regular veterinary check-ups and early detection greatly increase the chances of successful treatment.

Working with Your Veterinarian to Determine the Right Treatment Plan

Upon receiving a cancer diagnosis for your pet, it is essential to collaborate closely with your veterinarian to develop an individualized treatment plan. This plan may involve surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or a combination of these approaches. Each treatment modality aims to target the cancer cells while minimizing harm to the pet’s overall well-being.

Common Medications Used in Pet Cancer Treatment

Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs): NSAIDs are often prescribed to manage pain and inflammation associated with cancer. They can help improve your pet’s comfort levels and enhance their quality of life during treatment.
Chemotherapeutic Agents: Just like in human medicine, certain chemotherapeutic drugs can be used in pets to target and destroy cancer cells. These medications are tailored to suit the specific type of cancer your pet has and may be administered orally or intravenously. Your veterinarian will determine the appropriate chemotherapy protocol and monitor your pet’s response closely.
Immunotherapy: Immunotherapy is an exciting area of cancer treatment that utilizes the body’s immune system to fight cancer cells. Medications in this category work by stimulating the immune response, aiding in the destruction of cancer cells. Immunotherapy can be an effective option for certain types of cancer in pets.

VetMedics Pharmacy: Customized Medications for Optimal Treatment

At VetMedics Compounding Pharmacy, we understand that each pet is unique, and their treatment requirements may vary. Our compounding pharmacy works closely with veterinarians to develop customized medications that suit the specific needs of your pet. Compounded medications can be tailored in terms of dosage form (e.g., capsules, liquids, transdermal gels), strength, and flavor to enhance compliance and ensure your pet receives the necessary medications effectively.
Cancer is a challenging diagnosis for any pet owner, but with prompt veterinary care, appropriate treatment options, and the support of VetMedics Compounding Pharmacy, you can provide your beloved pet with the best possible chance for recovery. We encourage you to call us today with any questions you have about your pets medications or to speak to a specialist today!

All About Heartworm Prevention Medicine

All About Heartworm Prevention Medicine

Heartworm disease is a serious and potentially fatal condition that affects dogs and cats. It is caused by a parasitic worm known as Dirofilaria immitis, which is transmitted by mosquitoes. April is Heartworm Awareness Month, a time to raise awareness about this preventable disease and the importance of heartworm prevention medicine.

Understanding Heartworm Disease: Causes, Symptoms, and Risks

Heartworm disease is particularly prevalent in warm, humid areas, but it can occur anywhere that mosquitoes are present. The parasite is transmitted to dogs and cats through the bite of an infected mosquito. Once inside the animal’s body, the worms can grow up to a foot long and can cause damage to the heart, lungs, and blood vessels. In severe cases, heartworm disease can be fatal.

Types of Heartworm Prevention Medication

Fortunately, heartworm disease is easily preventable with the use of heartworm prevention medicine. There are several different types of heartworm prevention medication available, including monthly tablets, topical treatments, and injections. These medications work by killing the larvae of the heartworm parasite before they have a chance to develop into adults.

TABLET – The most common type of heartworm prevention medication is a monthly tablet, which is typically administered orally to dogs and cats. These tablets contain an active ingredient that kills the heartworm larvae and prevents them from developing into adults. Monthly tablets are easy to administer and are generally well-tolerated by pets.

TOPICAL – Topical treatments are another option for heartworm prevention. These treatments are applied to the skin of the pet and are absorbed into the bloodstream, where they kill the heartworm larvae. Topical treatments are convenient to use and are especially useful for pets that have difficulty taking oral medications.

INJECTION – Injections are a less common form of heartworm prevention medication. These injections are typically administered by a veterinarian and provide long-lasting protection against heartworm disease. Injections are generally reserved for pets that are at high risk of heartworm disease or for pets that have difficulty taking oral medications.


It is important to note that heartworm prevention medication should be administered year-round, even in areas with cold winters. Mosquitoes can survive indoors during the winter months, so pets are still at risk for heartworm disease even when it’s cold outside.


Vetmedics Compounding Pharmacy: Your Partner in Heartworm Prevention

At Vetmedics Compounding Pharmacy, we understand the importance of heartworm prevention and offer a wide range of heartworm prevention medication options. Our team of experienced pharmacists can work with veterinarians and pet owners to find the best heartworm prevention medication for their pets’ specific needs. We also offer customized dosages and flavors to make it easier for pets to take their medication. Contact us today to speak to one of our specialists and get advice on treating your pets.

Poison Prevention Month: How to Recognize Poison Ingestion in Pets

Poison Prevention Month: How to Recognize Poison Ingestion in Pets

March is Pet Poison Prevention Month, a time to raise awareness about the potential hazards of everyday items in our homes that can be toxic to our furry friends. Unfortunately, pets are naturally curious creatures and may explore their surroundings by putting things in their mouths, leading to accidental poison ingestion. As a pet owner, it is crucial to be aware of the signs and symptoms of poisoning and take prompt action if you suspect your pet has ingested something toxic. In this blog, we will discuss the signs and symptoms of poison ingestion and how you can treat it using medications used in the veterinary industry.


Signs and Symptoms of Poison Ingestion

The signs and symptoms of poisoning can vary depending on the type of poison and the amount ingested. Some common signs to watch out for include:
If you notice any of these symptoms, it is essential to seek veterinary care immediately. Early detection and treatment can make a significant difference in your pet’s recovery.

Treatment of Poison Ingestion or Sickness with Veterinary Medications

When it comes to treating poison ingestion or sickness, veterinarians may prescribe a variety of medications to help manage the symptoms and aid in your pet’s recovery. Here are some of the medications commonly used in the veterinary industry:

Activated Charcoal – This medication is used to bind and absorb toxins, preventing them from being absorbed into the bloodstream.

Antiemetics – These medications are used to control vomiting and nausea, which can help prevent dehydration and further damage to the digestive tract.

IV Fluids – Fluid therapy may be necessary to treat dehydration caused by vomiting and diarrhea and to support organ function.

Anticonvulsants – If your pet experiences seizures due to poisoning, your veterinarian may prescribe anticonvulsants to help control them.


Caring For Your Pet With The Help Of VetMedics Compounding Pharmacy in New York

VetMedics Compounding Pharmacy is an excellent resource for pet owners and veterinarians. Traditional treatments may not always be effective or may not be suitable for your pet, and in such cases, we can help by creating custom medications tailored to your pet’s specific needs.

At VetMedics Compounding Pharmacy we work closely with veterinarians and pet owners to ensure that their pets receive the best possible care. Our expert team of pharmacists can customize medications to meet your pet’s individual needs and provide consultations to help you understand the best treatment options available. Call us today or click here to schedule a consultation with someone from our team!

Common Dental Issues in Pets & Medication Used To Treat Them

Common Dental Issues in Pets & Medication Used To Treat Them

Just like humans, pets can also suffer from various dental issues that can affect their overall health and well-being. Dental problems in pets can cause severe pain, discomfort, and even result in more severe health issues. Fortunately, several medications can help treat common dental issues in pets, and compounding pharmacies like VetMedics can customize these medications to meet the individual needs of your pet.

Common Dental Issues in Pets & Medication Used To Treat Them


Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease is the most common dental issue in pets. It is caused by the buildup of plaque and tartar on the teeth, which can lead to inflammation and infection of the gums. If left untreated, it can progress to damage the underlying bone and tooth loss. Medications such as antibiotics, pain relievers, and anti-inflammatory drugs are used to treat periodontal disease. These medications are available in different forms such as tablets, capsules, and oral solutions.

Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is another dental issue that pets can suffer from. It is caused by bacteria that form on the surface of the teeth, which produces acid that erodes the enamel. If left untreated, it can lead to tooth decay and tooth loss. Treatment of tooth decay in pets often involves extraction or fillings, and antibiotics may be prescribed to prevent infection.

Oral Tumors

Oral tumors are growths that can develop in the mouth of pets. They can be benign or malignant, and the treatment depends on the type and stage of the tumor. Medications such as pain relievers, anti-inflammatory drugs, and chemotherapy may be used to manage the symptoms of oral tumors.


Gingivitis is a mild form of periodontal disease, which is characterized by inflammation of the gums. It is caused by the buildup of plaque and tartar on the teeth. The treatment of gingivitis in pets involves scaling and polishing of the teeth and the use of medications such as antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and pain relievers.


Halitosis, or bad breath, is a common dental issue in pets. It is caused by the buildup of bacteria in the mouth, which produces an unpleasant odor. The treatment of halitosis in pets involves regular dental cleanings and the use of breath fresheners and oral rinses.

Staying On top Of Your Pets Dental Health

Dental care is an essential aspect of the overall health and well-being of pets. It is important to recognize the signs of dental issues and seek prompt treatment when necessary. At Vetmedics Compounding Pharmacy, we provide compounded medications for pets to help manage their dental health issues. Compounding pharmacies can customize medications to meet your pet’s individual needs, ensuring that they receive the best treatment possible. To learn more or discuss the best medication options for your pet’s dental issues, contact us today!
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Celebrate Walk Your Dog Month: Uncovering the Top 5 Dog-Friendly Places in Long Island, NY

Celebrate Walk Your Dog Month: Uncovering the Top 5 Dog-Friendly Places in Long Island, NY

It’s Walk Your Dog Month, and there’s no better time to explore the best dog-friendly places in Long Island, NY! From parks to beaches, there are plenty of places to take your pup for a walk and enjoy some fresh air. In this blog post, we’ll look at the top 5 dog-friendly places in Long Island as well as some tips for a stress free adventure.

The Top 5 Places To Walk Your Dog In Long Island, NY

First on the list is Eisenhower Park in East Meadow. With over 900 acres of open space, it’s the perfect place for dog walking and even has a designated off-leash area. So if you’re ready to take your pup out for an adventure, this is the spot. Whether you want to take a relaxed walk around the trails or let your pup run free, there’s something to suit any pup’s needs here.
Second on the list is Smith Point County Park in Shirley. This expansive beach park offers plenty of room for your pup to roam free and splash around in shallow waters during warmer months. It’s a dog-walker’s paradise! Take a stroll among the woods and marshlands, or have your pup accompany you down to the water’s edge – there really is something for everybody.
Third is the Connetquot River State Park Preserve in Oakdale. This preserve offers 8 miles of trails along the Connetquot River with plenty of opportunities for your pup to explore nature from start to finish. Pet Care doesn’t get much better than an invigorating hike, and this one is sure to leave you and your pup tired & satisfied.

Fourth on the list is the beautiful and scenic Hither Hills State Park, in Montauk. With its unique “walking-dunes” and 2 mile long sandy beach, equipped with a fishing area and a playground for the kids, this park is perfect for the whole family.

Last but certainly not least is Belmont Lake State Park in Babylon Village. With its lush woodlands and tranquil lake, Belmont Lake State Park is an ideal spot for relaxing strolls with your pup during any season or weather condition.

Walking Your Dog In Long Island: Tips For Your Trip

Exploring nature with your pup is one of life’s great adventures, and we want to help prepare you for a stress free and joyful experience, no matter where you go. The first tip we have is that pet owners should always be aware of their local leash laws and bring appropriate waste removal bags to help keep the parks clean. Taking the time to do a little research beforehand can save you a headache later.
When Dog Walking, always remember to bring plenty of doggie treats, a few poop bags and a sturdy leash. Most importantly, bring both you and your pup fresh water, so you can stay hydrated.
Finally, with allergy season nearing, talk to your vet about how you can help your pup stay comfortable while out on the trails. If you’re new to the area or just want to make sure your pup has a good experience, these tips are essential for any pet owner in Long Island.

Caring For Your Pets With Help From VetMedics Compounding Pharmacy!

From parks and beaches to trails and open spaces, Long Island is home to some of the best dog-friendly spots around. So grab a leash, grab your pup, and head out to explore the amazing places that Long Island has to offer. And with Allergy season just around the corner, VetMedics Compounding Pharmacy knows just what to do for your four-legged friend! Call us today to speak to a team member about allergy medication for your pet.

The Top 5 Gifts to Give Your Pet This Christmas

The Top 5 Gifts to Give Your Pet This Christmas

One of the best ways to celebrate the holidays is by showing your love and appreciation for everyone special in your life, including your pets, too. Giving gifts is a great way to show your pets some love and help them have a little extra fun during the holiday season. Consider the following gift ideas for your dog or cat.

5 Christmas Gift Ideas for Pets


1. Puzzle Toys

Puzzle toys, like this one from Dr. Catch, are a great way to entertain dogs and stimulate their brains, keeping them motivated, focused, and busy for hours.

2. Interactive Cat Toys

Cats have lots of energy and a strong prey drive. This means that, between cat naps, they need to play. Interactive toys such as this electronic one from PetFusion, automate your cat’s playtime which means they can go wild while you’re busy with other things.

3. Silent Squeaker Toys

You probably already know that your dog can hear sounds that are outside the range of what human ears can detect, and that’s why Hear Doggy’s ultrasonic squeaker toys are a win-win for you and your pet. They can squeak away without interrupting your work, Zoom calls, or favorite television show.

4. Fancy Fountain

All cats prefer to drink fresh water, and some cats have significantly sophisticated tastes. If you have a fancy cat or if you’re simply a fancy human who prefers elegant-looking pet supplies, then we recommend this ceramic drinking fountain that looks more like an art piece than a watering hole for your household’s pets.

5. Gifts That Keep Giving

For the dog whom you wish to celebrate during the holidays and throughout the year, we recommend a subscription to Barkbox. Barkbox is a subscription box that arrives in the mail on your schedule, filled with any combination of toys and treats for dogs. Plus, you can customize your dog’s box to meet their individual dietary and play needs.

Fill Their Stockings With Compounded Prescription Medications

When your pet’s medications are compounded into their favorite flavor of treats, taking their medicine becomes a treat. If your pet is on long-term prescription medications for a chronic condition or a short-term run of medication to address an acute issue, we strongly encourage you to talk with your veterinarian about the available options for compounding pet meds. Compounded medications are easier to administer and can often be compounded into more effective formulas too. To learn more, we welcome you to contact VetMedics Compounding Pharmacy today.

A Guide to Boarding Your Pets

A Guide to Boarding Your Pets

When you leave home and can’t take your pet with you, you’re left with two choices: hiring a pet sitter to come into your home to care for your pet or taking your pet to a boarding facility. When it comes to quality and care, boarding facilities can run the gambit from providing accommodations that are just okay to providing your pet with a luxury stay. When choosing a boarding facility for your pet, consider the following.

Pet Boarding Guide: What to Look for in a Pet Boarding Facility



Ask a representative from your potential boarding facility what certifications the facility has as well as their requirements of employees who interact with the pets. Do they have dog and cat behaviorists and trainers on hand? Do they have a veterinarian on staff?

Cleanliness and Facility

Before your pet stays, you should drop by the pet boarding facility to see what they offer. While you’re there, pay attention to how clean the facility and kennels appear. Also, ask to see the outdoor play area, kennels or pet rooms, and any other area where your pet will spend time.

Health Requirements

Find out what health requirements the boarding facility has such as vaccination records and required vaccines in addition to potential fecal testing and parasite preventatives. You’ll want to make sure your pet is all set for their stay in addition to ensuring they’ll be safe around the other pets staying at the facility.

Medication Administration

If your pet requires medication, be aware that not all boarding facilities provide specialized medical care. You might be best looking for a boarding facility that is attached to a veterinary hospital.

Interaction With Pets

Ask how much one-on-one time your pet will have to play, socialize, and snuggle with employees. Additionally, find out how much outdoor exercise time they have and whether they’ll have opportunities to socialize with other pets and how that time is supervised/managed.

Veterinary Care

Find out what the boarding facility’s policies and procedures are in the event your pet exhibits signs of illness while you’re away. Do they contact you first? Do they seek emergency veterinary care right away? Do they have a veterinary professional on staff?

Base Boarding Package and Extras

Most facilities offer a base package. Find out what the bare minimum includes and ask about the costs of additional services for your pet while you’re away such as an upgraded room or additional playtime.

Simplify Pet Meds With Compounding

Whether your pet will be home or at a boarding facility while you’re away, pet meds compounded into easy-to-administer treats are the best way to ensure your pet receives the medicine they need even if you aren’t there to administer it. To learn more about compounding your pet’s medications, we welcome you to contact VetMedics Compounding Pharmacy.

5 Tips for Training Your New Puppy

5 Tips for Training Your New Puppy

Learning how they are expected to behave in the world, in your house, in the car, around other animals, and around other people are all skills that puppies need to learn through proper training and socialization. Working with your new puppy to teach them how to behave and even learn some new tricks is a great way to form an immediate bond while also setting your puppy up for a happy and healthy life.

5 Puppy Training Tips


1. Use Positive Reinforcement Training

Positive reinforcement training is much more effective in terms of training and also forming a strong bond because it’s focused on rewarding good behaviors with praise and treats, instead of discouraging bad behaviors with fear-based punishments. Use training-sized treats to avoid over-feeding.

2. Work on Crate Training

Get your puppy used to their crate (carrier or a sleeping kennel) right away. Help them associate the space with positivity and security by feeding them lots of treats in and around the crate while also praising them when they go in or near it.

3. Start Potty Training

Take your puppy outside every hour (or even more often for young or smaller puppies). When they do their business outdoors, be sure to reward them consistently with a treat, lots of praise, and plenty of love.

4. Socialize Your Puppy

Socialization is a process of gradually introducing your puppy to different things in a safe and controlled environment. This includes different kinds of people (adults and children), other animals (other dogs and other species), textures (carpet, linoleum, tile, grass, sand, gravel, dirt, etc.), sounds, sights, and smells. You have a short window to help your puppy feel confident, and this helps them not be afraid.

5. Enroll in Puppy Training Classes

Puppy training classes are a good way for you to learn how to better work with your new puppy while training and socializing your pet.

Talk to Your Veterinarian About VetMedics Compounding Pharmacy

We wish your puppy a happy and healthy life through and through. As dogs grow older, however, they sometimes need medications to manage illness or to mitigate pain following a surgical procedure such as a spay or neuter surgery. If your pet is in need of any medications, we encourage you to talk with your veterinarian about compounding your pet’s medications into tasty, easy-to-administer treats or another simple form with VetMedics Compounding Pharmacy.

Common Behavioral Problems in Cats and How to Address Them

Common Behavioral Problems in Cats and How to Address Them

We love felines for their independent (although sometimes snuggly) natures and their uniquely fun personalities. Although they’re a joy to have around, an untrained cat can present a variety of problems and/or challenges inside the house.

Common Cat Behavioral Issues

6 Ways to Address Your Cat's Behavior Problems

1. Know What Constitutes an Emergency

The first and most important thing to know about behavior issues in cats is that several of them can actually be signs or symptoms of an underlying health problem. For example, cats often experience litter box troubles, vocalize excessively, and become aggressive as a result of not feeling well. If your cat is having behavior issues, the first thing you should do is schedule a veterinary checkup.

2. Provide Territory Markers

Put up a scratching post where your pet can get its scratching fix.

3. Offer an Alternative Perch

Some cats feel safer above the ground. Installing cat perches in your home means they’ll have an even better observation point than your kitchen countertop.

4. Make Off-Limits Objects/Places Less Attractive

Spray furniture with cat deterrents or hang pieces of foil from your houseplants.

5. Work on Positive Reinforcement, Marker Training

Cats can be trained, using positive reinforcement with training treats and a clicker. Click to mark your pet’s desired behavior and then reward them with a treat.

6. Cat-Proof Your Home

Although behavioral issues can be an annoyance or even a problem for pet owners, part of living with a cat is dealing with their quirky personalities. Make sure your home is a safe environment where your cat can be curious and safe.

Ease Your Cat's Health-Related Behavior Issues With Compounded Pet Meds

Behavior problems in pets can sometimes be the result of an underlying illness, injury, or health problem. If your cat has been diagnosed and is in need of medications, we encourage you to talk with your veterinarian about the different options available in terms of the form your pet’s medications can come in. At VetMedics Compounding Pharmacy, we specialize in providing a wide array of pet medications in a variety of easy-to-administer forms and flavors. To learn more, we welcome you to contact us or talk with your veterinarian.